Intellectual Output 1

Development of the methodology for Digital Storytelling and Intergenerational learning methods in adult education. This output will be a resource for local and EU adult education policy makers.

Intellectual Output 2

Guide and Toolkits, developed for those working in adult education, will provide capacity development for individuals and individuals working in the field of adult education.

Intellectual Output 3

Digital Storytelling HUB: E-learning platform with self-learning tools in adult education and online library for adult educators, accessible 24/7

Intellectual Output 4

Compendium with best practices in Digital Storytelling in IGL will motivate  institutions and trainers working in the field of adult education.

TOT: 5-day training will be held in the UK and Italy for trainers working in adult education. Participants and their institutions will provide capacity development in this area.

Pilot Implementation and local activities: Each partner country will organize 6 workshops for 12 adults and 4 young people for 3 months. At the end of the training, each country will prepare 5 digital stories.

International Digital Storytelling Festival: ıt will take place in France with participation of all partners and NGO, universities, adult education organisations who working on digitalstorytelling

PODCASTS listen to our Podcasts ” Digital Storytelling in intergenerational Learning”

Training in Lecce

Watch the video


Project management


“Innovative Approach in Adult Education: Digital Storytelling in Intergenerational Learning”